What is an "oblast" (pronounced OH-blahst)? Well it means region in Ukraine. As they don't have a direct translation, people usually use it when they speak English as well as Ukrainian. So we visited two cities in this western oblast. The namesake of the region, Khmelnytsky, is a small city that seemed quite pleasant and friendly, but is recognized only for having one of the largest flea markets. I presented at the department of Business Foreign Languages there. Down the road a ways, in the same oblast, is the much more famous and touristed Kamyanets-Podilsky with it's larger than life picturesque fortress dating from the 16th century (rebuilt from a 10th century structure). I took this photo with a digital camera! That's how beautiful it is!!! Really!

The train from Kyiv to Khmelnytsky takes 4-and-a-half hours, then you take a bus for 2-and-a-half more hours to Kamyanets-Podilsky - land of the charming 'old town' and castle. There is a 'new town' connected to the 'old town' that is much like an ordinary Ukrainian town with shops (see the clerk with her
abacus... you do know how to use one, don't you?), industry, traffic, and people going to work. Our hotel was in the 'old town' which seems to be under restoration as much of it was
destroyed in WWII. It will be a lovely historical area when they are finished. I presented at a Pedagogical University in the 'new town'- very active audience! Afterwards, one of the student-participants led us on a tour of the 'old town' and fortress. For one hryvnia (local currency) Joe and the "Cossack" tried to see who could get a bulls-eye... guess who got close? Right, that would be Joe (he's the

one in the foreground).
As for my health, if you were wondering, my doctor called me
while I was there to report that my blood test showed that I have 'mono'. Hmmmm. We are going to get a second opinion because I actually feel much better. Now, back in Kyiv, Joe's the one 'under the weather' with a severe head cold. He's keeping the Thera-Flu coming!
To conclude, I am currently in the midst of the busiest period in my professional life yet! Having just returned from giving workshops out-of-town, I will give two seminars on "How to Teach Business Writing", travel to a small village on Friday to talk about "How to Teach Polite Phrases", TESOL-Ukraine will be held over the weekend (two more presentations), and Monday I'll head to the Aviation University for a workshop on "Moderated Discussions in US Universities". Yikes!
Jen, I heard about a big subway fire in Kyev yesterday in which, thankfully, no one was hurt. Were you anywhere in the vicinity?
Thanks for the comment Nance; I haven't heard about this... do you have any links where I can read more?
Jen, What a neat blog! You may get an oldester like me interested in blogging! Acually, I'm contacting you because I have an urgent request. I'm trying to revive the Spanish conversation group you'd started earlier. Can you possibly send the beginning lessons you used when you started it? The round robin where we asked each others' names etc. and any other beginning lessons you have available? In addition to getting a group going at CNM, I've also found some retired women who want me to get a group going for them and I need material for them ASAP.
Mildred Langston
Hola Mildred!
Que gusto de saber algo de ti! Te voy a enviar la encuesta que hicimos el primer dia de nuestro grupo, las letras de la cancion de Julieta Venegas, y unos "links" del internet. Gracias por el commentario y buena suerte con tus planes!
Loved the hat in the candle scene..bring it home with you. It'll be perfect here.
Love, MJH
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