So Ukraine, Kyiv especially, is full of artists. As this week was a business-as-usual type of week, I decided to dig into my photo files and post some of the arty pix I have taken. The first one (green wall) was taken in Kyiv on a little street called "Andriyvsky Uzviz". It's full of crafts and arty things, modern as well as traditional (see Ukraininan embroidered fabric).

I went to an artists' sale over the weekend and saw some really cool modern art. Most of it was the kind of stuff you hang on the wall, but there were some especially beautiful handmade weavings (see Valentina showing off her wares).

Thankfully, the Christmas buzz is not too intense here as the Orthodox Christmas is January 7.

One of the absolute "coolest" architectural attractions is the building I've included. Although it was built 1900-03, it is incredibly fantastic and creative with rhinos, frogs, fish, and mermaids adorning the tops and side of the building. It is called "House with Chimeras" - chimera meaning fanciful creature (new vocabulary for me!). Apparently, it was made with a lot of cement promoting its benefits back in the day.
Finally, my ode to "Madonna" - a billboard in Kyiv. I can't say I'm a true Madonna fan. But... I am finding her latest hit and a particular oldie of hers

hard to keep out of my head. We hear them on European VH1. I even went to "youtube" and found a couple of the videos. Click if you dare... don't worry - nobody's watching....
Jump*Bad GirlP.S. Speaking of art (ha, ha), my teacher development workshop was videotaped this morning. A professional from Ukrainian Channel 5 was hired - Anatoli - to record our training for distribution to more remote Ukrainian schools. I hope it turned out - unfortunately he only brought 60 minutes worth of tape, and the workshop was 90! We'll see how it turns out. Keep watching "you tube"....
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