Friday, May 19, 2006

No news is good news?

Hello again... I really have no news to report about the ELF program. The only thing I can say is they are pretty darn hard to get ahold of. I have called and left a message and today I emailed. I reiterated my interest in Sri Lanka and Cambodia, and I asked if the position in Romania was still available. I didn't receive a reply. It is very difficult having no clue where they are going with this. Programs that I have been involved with in the past have, at least, answered my messages (even if they didn't have a lot of information to share). It is a bit frustrating to now know that Peru is filled too (another post I was interested in).

I guess I ought to keep my chin up and know that if it's right for me it will happen.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Post Update

Well, here we are in early May and the EL Fellow Program recruiter has offered to send my dossier to Bosnia, Serbia/Montenegro, and Albania. Unfortunately, the Bosnia and Albania posts are for regular fellows (formerly "junior") - I am seeking a Senior Fellow post. Although the Serbia/Montegro is a Senior post, the location was changed from Podgorica to Niksic, not a big enough city for Joe to pursue his distance program. Also, that post is mostly direct teaching and I really want to do teacher training. I reiterated my interest in the Sri Lanka and Peru sites as I learned that the Ecuador post had already been filled.

So... we are eagerly awaiting news of whether or not my dossier will be sent to my preferred locations.

More soon!