I didn't mean for my last entry to land on the 4th of July, i.e. Independence Day. However, after opening an email this morning with the following message, I reconsidered.
The message was from some of my Ukrainian colleagues:
Happy Birthday of your great country! In many ways independence is one of the most important and symbolic things for what the USA is all about. For us, Ukrainians, it is very important to learn about independence (from our American friends and colleagues, too,) and experience real independence here in Ukraine! May your home and your heart shine with the warm light of freedom.
It moved me a bit to see "independence" from this angle. I also choose to see "independence" on a personal level. I vow to maintain my desire to "create my own reality" independent of what kind of social pressures my country presents. On our international flight, on the headphones, I heard a Stevie Wonder song: "Don't you worry 'bout a thing. . . ". I found myself bopping and rocking in the plane seat (with my seatbelt fastened, of course!). I realized that I hadn't done that for a while . . . and it felt good to have the freedom to do so. I am now listening to "oldies" on the radio - it is great to hear them again and they seem to represent the kind of freedom I like - the freedom to express and feel good about it.
Ukraine did have its effects on me. There, I felt like people could really see who I am; I can't really describe it, but I really felt free being myself and training teachers with my personality full-throttle (well almost). It gave me such perspective on who I am and who I want to continue to be. I have been back in the US for less than a week and I find myself still digging in my purse to find exact change for shop clerks, standing in line closely behind the person in front of me, reprimanding myself for not bringing my own bag to the grocery store, and rolling through stop signs . . . little things I became familiar with in my previous life :)
Now in New Mexico, Joe and I have eaten at the Frontier Restaurant twice, we've loaded up on our favorite food items at Trader Joe's, and we've already hit a couple of garage sales (I bought a shirt for fifty cents!). I've run into a gal I used to work with when I waited tables way-back-when, and yesterday I found myself driving on the freeway right along side of my friend Carol (waving at her madly through the tinted windows of my mom's car - duh! No wonder she couldn't recognize us at first!). Also, when my mom and I were buying cosmetics (the Dr. Hauschka ones I've been craving) we saw Ali MacGraw (remember the actress from 1970's Love Story?). She was buying some products at the register, and my mom started up a conversation about me being freshly back from Ukraine. Ali said, "Oh did you get any facials while you were over there? I hear they are WON-der-ful!" I said "no", but then I rambled on about how my friend Melissa used to get great massages in Ukraine. Speaking of rambling . . . how am I doing? Not bad, I'll bet. Happy travels and keep in touch!
"Everybody's got a thing . . . But some don't know how to handle it . . .
Everybody needs a change . . . A chance to check out the new . . ." - Stevie Wonder
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Like any good "telenovela" . . .

In the "final episodes" the loose ends seem to be finding closure:
- One of the teachers just received the permission she has been waiting to get from a publisher to use a textbook excerpt in her article
- I just received a copy of a journal with an article I submitted for publication months ago
- Teachers I haven't seen for a while have been coming by to say goodbye, leave me thank you letters, stuffed animals, and flowers
- The last few boxes we shipped home (including "Quilty") that have been flying over Europe for weeks have found their way to my mom's house
- I gave my last interview to TESOL-Ukraine for inclusion in their newsletter
- My friends from Dnipropetrovsk just happened to to be in town for my last workshop and I was able to spend time with them
- Our two favorite channels on the satellite just went ka-put
- I finally the found the perfect Ukrainian souvenir I have been searching for for my mom
- I had a wonderful farewell party in which teachers sang, they shared teaching ideas, we had a raffle, people made speeches, drank champagne, and I got lots of sweet gifts.
Tomorrow morning early early we will fly out of Kyiv. Everyone asks me, "When are you coming back?" It is hard to say that I have a full-time job back in the States with both a Fall and Spring timetable already scheduled; I even know that I will be teaching Advanced and High-Intermediate students. But I always add that you never know . . . I will make every effort to stay a world citizen even though I'll be living in America.

I'll post again once I get home. . . stay tuned for impressions of my return!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Back in the USSR

We are staying in a type of resort called a "sanitorium" (yet another one of those words that doesn't get translated when people speak English). It's actually 'sanitoriya' in Russian and they are all over the coast of Crimea. The particulary one we are staying in was the "sanitorium" for the Soviet

We have been to the beach, each sanitorium having a special entry to the beach. We can walk about 15 minutes down the hill through the grounds and reach the "beach" that "belongs" to our sanitorium. We have to show our 'cards' and they let us hang out on the beach. It actually has chairs to lie on, and I bought a raft to float around. Not any surf as it is a sea, so we have just been trying to soak up a few rays. We are at a high latitude, something like Calgary, Canada, so no one tends to get burned that quickly or severely.

The Summer Institute on Academic Writing is going well; the participants are great. We are going out for a group (30 participants) get together for ice cream and wine. It should be fun. The last day is tomorrow - off to Kyiv on Saturday. Our final days in Ukraine are approaching!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Socialist Realism

Socialist Realism was the style of art approved by the Soviet Union to "further the goals of socialism and communism" according to Wikipedia. It is prevalent in Luhansk and most statues of old-style "heroes" such as Lenin are still standing. It may be because the area was very active in WWII and maybe people are proud of their history. The people are pretty friendly and I, surprisingly, found a few

The street food in Luhansk is yummy. They have little huts around town called "Blinok" where you can get crepes filled with anything from chicken and cheese to strawberries and chocolate. They also have "Cheburek" and "Pirozhki" which are fried bread-like snacks filled with cheese, sausage, potatoes, or liver. I didn't try the liver one, but the

The plane we took was much bigger and better than the tiny one we took back in February. The difference was that we flew into Donetsk, another city in the east, and then hired a car to drive us to Luhansk. It was much quicker than taking the train, and the plane inspired much more confidence; also, the flight schedule was much more reasonable. On the way back to Donetsk after the institute, we took a detour to one of the famous monasteries. The tour was very quick, but the location was so picturesque with the church situated on a cliff overlooking the river.
Now, I'm back in Kyiv, happy to see Joe again, and ready to fly out again next weekend to Crimea to co-teach a week-long Academic Writing Institute. Did I mention that Crimea is on the Black Sea and our classes finish by 1pm? Splash!

Saturday, June 02, 2007
"Dacha" road, take me home...

A couple teachers recently took Joe and me on an outing to an outdoor museum on the outskirts

Tomorrow I'm headed to the far east... the same place I went in February, Luhansk. The event is a week-long training on American Studies. I'll be joined by Fulbrighters and embassy folk. . . . I'll present on organizing U.S.-style moderated discussions and integrating U.S.-style communication strategies into English language classrooms.

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Dog Days of Summer?

The dogs are out too. Kyiv happens to have the healthiest stray population I have ever seen. Most of them are pretty fit looking and not afraid of humans. I think people treat them

Saturday, May 19, 2007
Dnipropetrovsk: Secret City

The 300-mile train trip was pleasant and allowed us to see the landscape and farmland southeast of Kyiv
. Dnipropetrovsk still maintains a strong Russian influence with everyone speaking Russian, Soviet monuments still prominantly displayed, and tanks and military equipment in the parks. I caught a few youths conversing on a "mortar". They had started to move away after I said (in good Russian) "Mozhna Fotagrafiravat?". Then, they lit up when I garbled (in bad Russian) that I wanted to take a picture of 'them', not the 'mortar'. An unusually striking site in Dnipropetrovsk was a collection of 11th century statues that had been unearthed in different parts of Ukraine and brought to a kind of small park near the National History Museum. It felt very special there even though it
was right in the center of town; people didn't seem to know if this "monument" even had a name or not... The figures looked very 'proud' and 'happy' to be on display. I really liked that place and haven't seen anything like it anywhere else.

Now, back in Kyiv, we are sweating. The heat wave is supposed to break on Thursday. Hope so. The sun comes up at 5am and sets at 8:40pm (remember back in December when it set around 4pm?). I guess our latitude causes the days to get really long and really short depending on the season.
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